To manually install Signaling SDK, do one of the following:
Automatically integrate the SDK with JitPack
Add the address of Jitpack in the build.gradle file under the root directory of your project.
Add the com.github.agorabuilder:rtm-sdk dependency in the /app/build.gradle file under your project (for X.Y.Z, please fill in the current SDK version number). You can visit to see the latest version number.
Manually copy the SDK files
To manually install Signaling SDK from a download:
Extract the files from: to a local directory,
. -
Copy the following file or subfolder from the libs folder of the downloaded SDK to the corresponding directory of your project.:
File or folder Path in your project Files agora-rtm_sdk.jar
`~/app/src/main/jniLibs/arm64-v8a/ /armeabi-v7a/
`~/app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/ /x86/
`~/app/src/main/jniLibs/x86/ /x86_64/